Interior, Centrolina
Chef and Restaurant Benefit Dinners


April 27, 2025
Centrolina 974 Palmer Alley, NW
Washington, DC

Authentic, regional Italian cooking and seasonal availability is the inspiration for Chef Amy Brandwein’s menu at Centrolina. The Osteria features a frequently-rotating menu, comprised of traditional Italian categories such as antipasti, pasta, a lenga (from the terracotta-clad wood oven), contorni and dolce. For this 90/90 dinner, Centrolina will offer special sit down dinner.


  • Proceeds will support the Jacques Pépin Foundation. Your ticket purchase helps transform lives through culinary education, and we deeply appreciate your generous support.
  • Jacques Pépin proudly supports our 90/90 Celebrations. While he can't be present at all of them, we invite you to check our website for details on the events where he will joining in celebration.